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Given Gotcha for Gaza

What is Given Gotcha for Gaza event?

This is a fundraising event where you can get fanfiction or fanart in exchange for a donation to the people of Palestine.We are not officially associated with Given. This is an event run by fans.


Interest check: June 21st - June 26th
Creator sign ups: June 27th - July 7th*
Donation period: July 4th - August 4th
Fanwork posting: Deadline for posting is September 4th. If anyone needs more time, we can extend it individually while informing the donor as well.
Time for opening and closing of prompts will be 12pm CET (unless stated otherwise).*If enough creators sign up we will close the form on July 4th instead


The donation forms will open on July 4th at 12 pm and close on August 4th at 12 pm.

  • We accept donations to chosen fundraisers that are listed bellow. You can message us on twitter (X) or discord (creators only) if you have a suggestion on ones we should add to the list.

  • We allow both sfw and nsfw prompts. We do not allow nsfw prompts featuring minors. We do not allow dead dove and minor x adult ships either, please keep that in mind when requesting a prompt.

  • The cost of sfw prompt is $5 USD and for nsfw it's $8 USD. If you donate in a different currency please confirm that it is the correct amount if converted to USD.

  • You can submit multiple prompts based on the amount you donate (example: for $20 you can get 4 sfw prompts or 2 nsfw prompts or 2 sfw and 1 nsfw prompt). You might need to submit multiple forms with the same proof of donation.

  • You will receive either fanart or fanfic by September 4th, we will contact you if the creator needs more time than that.


We are open to suggestions via Twitter or discord (creators only)

Or you can check other Gofundme's:


We will open up the form for volunteers on the 27th June at 12 pm CET and close on the 7th July at 12 pm CET (possible change to 4th July).

  • This is a volunteer event, as such the creators and mods will not receive any money.

  • The minimum requirements for art is a sketch and for fanart 1k words. Otherwise, it is up to the creator.

  • We allow anyone to join, but only creators 18+ are allowed to work on nsfw works. We ask minors to not lie about their age and keep to the sfw prompts only.

  • Volunteers will receive a confirmation email with a discord invite after submitting the form. Please, join the discord server if you are able to. Otherwise we will communicate through email unless agreed otherwise.

  • Assigning prompts - received prompts will be posted on discord, where creators can pick which ones they want to work on themselves in discord. Any prompts that aren't pick for over a week will be assigned by us. Those who don't join the discord server will have all their prompts assigned by us based on their preferences written in the form.

  • The amount of prompts creator can work on simultaneously will depend on the amount of submitted prompts (at the start of the donations period only one to ensure everyone gets a prompt, after that there will be no limits).